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New Project Create a new slideshow project Open Project... Browse your computer for a slideshow project to open Open Recent Project Open a project that you recently created Save Project Save the current slideshow project (using the existing filename) Save Project as... Save the current slideshow project to a new filename ------------------------- Create Slideshow CD Write the current project to CD Print Slideshow Output the project to a printer ------------------------- Export Video to CD... Convert a single video file to VCD ------------------------- Options Configure DVD PixPlay settings ------------------------- Exit Close DVD PixPlay
Add Images/Videos Browse your computer for images or videos to add to your slideshow Insert Title Frame Add a title page to your slideshow Select Transitions... Specify the effects that are used when flipping from one image to the next Select Background Music Add music files to play while your slideshow is displayed Specify Frame Captions Edit the text that is displayed over all the image frames during the slideshow ------------------------- Edit Text Modify the text of the current image or title page Promote Image Move the image towards the start of the slideshow Demote Image Move the image towards the end of the slideshow Remove Image Remove the selected images from the slideshow ------------------------- Rotate Image Left Rotate the current image 90 deg. counter-clockwise Rotate Image Right Rotate the current image 90 deg. clockwise Open Image in Editor Opens the image in the editor specified in options ------------------------- Other, Sort slideshow Reorders the entire slideshow to your desired sorting method Other, Remove non-existent Checks all of the files in the project and removes any that can no longer be located Other, Move Videos to Start Moves all video files in the project to the start of the slideshow (e.g. so the video sound track can be used) ------------------------- Acquire from Camera/Scanner Allows images to be added to the slideshow from a camera or scanner
Display Image Displays the current image full size Preview Slideshow Displays a preview of how the slideshow should look once a VCD is created ------------------------- File Display Allows you to select how files should be displayed ------------------------- Test VCD Disk Displays the VCD disk that is in your CD-ROM
Contents Displays this help file Tutorial Displays the DVD PixPlay tutorial Keyboard Shortcuts Displays the keyboard shortcuts ------------------------- Xequte Web Site Opens your default web browser at the Xequte home page Buy DVD PixPlay Goes to the Xequte secure order page ------------------------- Check DVD Player Compatibility Allows you to search for a specific DVD player to determine whether it is compatible with VCD disks Frequently Asked Questions Displays answers to the most frequently asked questions about DVD PixPlay Xequte Support Opens the Xequte Support page in your Browser E-mail Support Sends an e-mail to Xequte support using your default e-mail software ------------------------- Registration Information Displays information on registering DVD PixPlay About... Version information on DVD PixPlay
Main Toolbar
Browse your computer for images to add to your slideshow Add a Title Frame to your slideshow Allows you to edit the text of the current image or title page Move the image towards the start of the slideshow Move the image towards the end of the slideshow Remove the selected images from the slideshow Displays a preview of how the slideshow should look once a VCD is created Burn the current project to CD Display the image full size Display this Help file